Spectacular Convex Mirror Light Sphere
22/11/2011 3:46 p.m.DuraVision Convex Mirrors were center stage at the Festival of Light Brisbane City in Queensland, Australia recently as part of the light sphere, one of the star attractions.

Made from over 300 DuraVision convex mirrors, the 5 meter diameter mirror ball towered over revellers at Brisbane's Festival of Light. The specially designed light sphere was mounted on reflective gravel which also contained 3000 led lights. The DuraVision acrylic mirrors proudly reflected shimmering images of tourists and locals, their surroundings and the lights of the city at night. The convex mirror array also played a major part in the numerous light shows scheduled throughout the event. A barage of light cannons strategically placed on surrounding buildings scattered a multitude of beams with the mirrors all in perfect synch to the interactive soundrack.
The mirrors used were a heavy duty acrylic convex mirror manufactured by Bennett Mirror Technologies under the DuraVision brand, visit www.duravision.net. These mirrors were specially selected for their clarity and precise reflection. They are also designed and manufactured specifically for resistance to extreme weather conditions making them ideal for heavy duty outside use.
- Indoor Convex Mirrors
- Outdoor Convex Mirrors
- Forklift Truck Rear Vision Mirrors
- Inspection Convex Mirrors
- Food and Production Line Mirrors
- Corrections Facility Anti-Ligature Mirrors
- School Science Education Mirrors
- First Surface Mirrors
- Flat Mirror Sheets
- Learn To Swim Pool Mirror
- Garage Parking Mirror
- Equine Arena Mirror
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